Rays Of Son - Sermons Always Short at the Hungry Mouse Church

Writer Author  Greg Miller
Christian Column : Inspirational  - Fiction  Yes

Christian Author Writer Pastor Rat “Mousie” Rattrap served as the pastor of a congregation of mice who worshipped in the Hungry Mouse Church.

The Hungry Mouse Church conducted their services immediately after the human congregation were dismissed and had left the building. The services were full of excitement, praise and worship.

During the first service of the new year, Pastor “Mousie” expressed the need for members of the church to offer additional thanksgiving to God for His bountiful blessings of the previous year.

“My fellow rodents, God has blessed our congregation with another fantastic year,” the pastor said quietly. “None of our members passed away last year, and we still have the best congregation in this part of the country. I think it would be appropriate for us to have a couple of testimonies tonight. Who will be first?”

Robert the Rich Mouse was the first to volunteer. “God provided for me, as well as our entire church body, in abundant measure,” Robert said. “The cheese was very plentiful, as were the spiritual blessings.”

“Amen, Brother Robert,” said Sister Candace, the church cook. “The Lord provided us an extremely bountiful supply of cheese during the past year. I hope I didn’t bore you to tears with too many of my special cheesecakes!”

“You could never bore me with those tasty cheesecakes of yours,” said Pastor “Mousie.”

The pastor preached his usual fiery sermon, then dismissed the congregation. As he was shaking the paws of members of the congregation as they were leaving the church, the pastor was approached by Rodentie Ratie, a first-time visitor.

“I thoroughly enjoyed the service,” Rodentie said to Pastor “Mousie.” “The sermon was dynamic and to-the-point. What is your secret to such powerful preaching and illustrative sermons?”

“Well, I pray that God will touch my lips when I am preaching,” said Pastor “Mousie.” “And I ask Him to change my heart and make me more like Him.

“Then I ask Him to help me choose illustrations that will relate to the practical life of us mice, and I ask that we will grow closer to our Creator as a result of the messages and the illustrations.”

Pastor “Mousie” then told Rodentie another factor in his dynamic preaching was the length of the sermons. “I must keep my sermons extremely short,” he said. “Mice in my church get hungry very often. If the sermons are too long, the members of my congregation start getting hungry, and I can’t keep their attention!”

Pastor Joe Joey of the Short Sermon Church in which the Hungry Mouse Church met had been eavesdropping on the conversation. “I have the same problem!,” said Pastor Joe.

Editor's Comment:

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State: Tennessee
Country: United States
Email: kidcool4jesus@yahoo.com
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