Christian Columns
God’s love can be felt in even the worst of times.
Writer Author Shelly Story
Type Christian Column
Posted Sunday, March 15, 2020
As the 10th anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks against the United States approaches, communities across the country are planning ways to honor those who died on that day.
I think most of us can remember where we were or what we were doing when the first plane crashed into the Twin Towers.
I had just dropped my two older boys off at school and was watching TV with my youngest who had
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Josprel's Articles Of Faith - Adam's Rib
Writer Author Josprel (Joseph Perrello)
Type Christian Column
Posted Thursday, February 13, 2020
"Being cheerful keeps you healthy. It is slow death to be gloomy all the time." (Proverbs 17:22: Good News Bible)
(Humor by Josprel)
Of course Adam had no previous experience with a woman, so when his "rib" was "ribbed" by a serpent into eating the forbidden fruit and she gave a bite to Adam, the man had no way of making a valued judgment of the situation. Moreover, the fact that he j
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Another Vacation in the Bank
Writer Author Rev. James L. Snyder
Type Christian Column
Christian Living
Posted Friday, June 21, 2019
The Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage and I arrived home from our vacation late Tuesday afternoon.
I’m not one for vacations, but this one was special. Our grandson who lives in Ohio was graduating from high school and then this summer he would be heading off to London for some soccer group. He loves soccer.
This is the second of our grandchildren to graduate from high school. I would not say
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Journey In His Presence - Issue #1
Writer Author Yvonne Mullen
Type Christian Column
Posted Friday, June 21, 2019
I don´t know why or how but I do know that it has been a long journey since my last writing in August of last year. I have been through the valleys and in the high places and I know God has been with me every step of the way along with some great Christian sisters. I have gone through many changes, as a butterfly does. My relationship with Jesus has deepened and still has more room for growth. I a
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I’m Really Enjoying My Naivety
Writer Author Rev. James L. Snyder
Type Christian Column
Christian Living
Posted Wednesday, April 10, 2019
Someone recently said to me, “You sure are naïve.” I’m not sure what the incident was about at the time, and I was a little bit hurt by that saying.
What did he mean that I am naïve? I have been giving this some thought and at this point, I remember quite a few people labeling me as naïve. Therefore, if people are right, it must be true.
Yet, is it really that bad?
Being naïve can have it
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Out to Pastor - Slow Is Just the Way I Go
Writer Author Rev. James L. Snyder
Type Christian Column
Christian Living
Posted Friday, November 16, 2018
One of the main complaints in the Parsonage has to do with my procrastination. The Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage often refers to me as, Sir Procrastinator, as if it was a bad thing.
Anything that needs doing in our house, my wife is the first one to jump up and try to do it. She fixes things before they are even broken. How she does that, I will never know. It is a wife thing.
I, on the
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I’m Dreaming of a Commercial Free World
Writer Author Rev. James L. Snyder
Type Christian Column
Christian Living
Posted Monday, October 29, 2018
It was one of those really busy weeks where there was hardly enough time to breathe. For myself, I was glad the week was over and I could relax for the evening.
“What do you want for supper?” The Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage queried. “Do you want to go out for supper?”
Going out for supper was the last thing on my mind. All I wanted to do was relax here at the house.
“No,” I said ra
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If This Is Autumn, What Was Summer?
Writer Author Rev. James L. Snyder
Type Christian Column
Christian Living
Posted Wednesday, October 24, 2018
I must confess that in the Parsonage there are times of confusion. It has nothing to do with age; it has everything to do with the human brain that is undernourished.
The Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage can say one thing and I can say something completely different. There are those rare occasions when we are on the same page, the same sentence and almost the same words.
As we were eating
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Josprel’s Articles of Faith - The No-Fault Church
Writer Author Josprel (Joseph Perrello)
Type Christian Column
Bible Teaching
Posted Tuesday, October 23, 2018
The city of Smyrna, situated in Asia Minor (modern Turkey) was among the most prosperous cities in the Roman province of Asia. Presumably, the city was evangelized through Paul's missionary efforts at Ephesus (Acts 19:10). Some forty years later, when Christ critiqued the seven churches in Asia (Rev. 1:11), the Smyrna church was one of the two not faulted by Him.
The church was situated in an
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Out To Pastor - Where have all the men in white hats gone?
Writer Author Rev. James L. Snyder
Type Christian Column
Christian Living
Posted Wednesday, April 2, 2014
When I was growing up you could always tell who the good men were by the white hats they wore. Bad men always wore black hats. That made it rather convenient for those of us who were watching so we knew who would be winning at the end. When you were in trouble all you had to do was look for someone wearing a white hat.
Not only did the good men wear white hats but also they were able to solve e
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Featured Column From The Heart Of Dixie
Life's struggles often distract us, reek havoc on our relationships and can ultimately destroy the foundation of trust we have in our Lord. Dixie Phillips encourages us to focus on the heart of the matter in her honest, down to earth monthly column that will help you grow closer to the Lord. Read More
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God's Will For Man
This bi-monthly column written by Joshua Mumphrey will give a fresh, youthful approach to the Lord's efforts to guide us through our lives. Follow Joshua on his journey as he discovers God's Will For Man. Read Christian Column
Mountain View
This weekly column seeks to encourage and stir up vibrant faith in God's people. Written by several contributing authors, Mountian View provides a reflection of God's unique yet consistent message of His enduring love for mankind. Read Christian Column
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