God's Will For Man - Legacy of Love: “It Never Truly Dies ”

Writer Author  Joshua Mumphrey
Christian Column : Inspirational  - Fiction  No

Christian Author Writer Legacy, such a strong and meaningful word that truly defines one’s character, morals and accomplishments. Through Legacy, an individual leaves behind unforgettable memories, an emotional tie that forever binds the heart and mind. We all choose what we want to leave behind, but ultimately what to give away. Giving in this sense is not of the materialistic essence or understanding, but from a spiritual point of view.

You never give expecting anything back in return, allowing joy and thankfulness to be your reward. It’s one rule among many that never really loses its prominence. Much like the numerous amounts of well-known and highly respected humanitarians, one in particular stands profoundly tall with love and grace, Jesus Christ.

So many lives he has touched with merely his fathers will to usher in change, while promoting perfection and ultimately prosperity. During his time on earth, his heart seemed to have infinite compassion towards his brothers and sisters of many colors, black, white, brown and red. They all were supported they all were helped. Their voices spoke out, ringing to the mountaintops, thankful, happy and blessed.

Jesus Christ has indeed helped young writer, a columnist, willing worker and me. I believe, as Jesus believes in helping anyone in need. Our way of giving may differ from one another, but the ultimate purpose is indeed met. When I give, I look ahead to a future where my words inspire and lead, where they direct, influence and mold. That’s my passion and my purpose.

I have a bumpy road ahead and a long way to travel to get where I want to be. I have great mountains to climb and rushing rivers to cross, but that doesn’t mean I won't get there. I have a great heart for helping people through my writing, supporting those in need or in great peril. I can only hope and pray to become even more successful and humble, as God has already allowed me to be.

I hope my legacy will speak highly of me even when I am gone on to other avenues. I know my giving doesn’t stop there, but for all who loved and cherished my work deeply in their hearts, I will be truly missed. I believe the greatest gift anyone can give, is the everlasting legacy of love, it never truly dies.

Editor's Comment:

About the Writer Author
State: Texas
Country: United States
Email: joshuamumphrey@aol.com
Profile:  Click here!

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