Caution: Redeemer on Board

Writer Author  Jerry Lee Kay Sr.
Christian Article : Bible Teaching  - Fiction  No

Christian Author Writer Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils
Also believe and tremble. James 2:19

Pure religion and undefiled before God and the father is this.
To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to
Keep himself unspotted from the world. James 1:27

"Seek ye the Lord while he may be found. . ." Of course most of the people we meet will never see God unless they see him in us. Most people we meet nowadays will never read the story of Jesus Christ. Most of them will so insulate their lives to the voice of God that, in their hour of need, God will not be able to penetrate the barrier they have erected. Only if they see God in us will they know that he is near. It's like the young man whose girlfriend lived in a distant city. He wanted to have an engagement ring on hand when he proposed to her, so he sought the help of a friend who was a jeweler.

In due course, after designing the ring, he was shown the materials. The diamond looked like any other stone he might have seen in a garden or along a sidewalk. And the gold was a bright, garish color, not at all like the gold he had seen used in other jewelry. On questioning the jeweler about the gold, he was told that it had not yet been refined. Still in doubt about the eventual beauty of the engagement ring, he asked: "And how do you know when it is pure enough?" to which the jeweler replied, as he looked over into the heating pot, "When I can see my face in it." That is the kind of life God longs for us to have--so pure that He can see His face in it. Even more importantly, so pure that others can see His face in us.

If only God's children would open their eyes to see the greatness of the treasure within. Do you know there are resources enough inside to meet the demand of every circumstance in which you will ever encounter? Do you know there is power enough to move the city in which you live? Do you know there is power enough to shake the universe? All the flip flopping childish junk of the children of God would cease if they realized the greatness of the treasure that has been deposited within them.

I say it with the utmost reverence: If you have been born again of the Spirit of God--you carry God in your heart--be very careful how you carry him.

Jerry Lee Kay sr.

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