
Writer Author  Jeff Watts
Christian Poetry : Christianity  - Fiction  No

Christian Author Writer Submitted to one another
with Christ at the center
will find love as the treasure
peace, strength, and hope together
joy and contentment increasing in measure
support and committment the endeavor
patience and kindness expressed so as not to sever
jealous, envious, boastful, proud, haughty, selfish, rude... never.
Irritable, touchy, holding grudges, noticing wrongs only hinder.

Not glad about injustice, rather shiver
rejoicing when truth is the winner
loyal no matter what the cost, without quiver
always believe in him or her
always expect the best of each other
always standing your ground in being the other's defender.
Hope, faith, and love to remain whatever the weather,
the greatest of these is love which goes on forever.

(inspired by 1 Corinthians 13)

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