My Rainbow, Your Rainbow

Writer Author  Jerry Lee Kay Sr.
Christian Poetry : Encouragement  - Fiction  No

Christian Author Writer

Even though I see darkness of clouds in the distance
I feel the closeness of His Spirit, and mighty existence

A warm glow from this fire He placed deep within my Heart
Makes the clouds as though a rainbow to me He does impart

I see people falling to the left and right, many burdened and filled with strife
He gave me a multicolor rainbow and a color that covers every problem in life

Beautiful colors that bring comfort to me, and He hung them all in the sky
A Holy reminder He is with me, I don't have to wait for the sweet by and by

He comes to me in the midnight hour, for He is a love so very kind and tender
Speaking words of comfort to me, and to Him I have made complete surrender

His sweet Holy Spirit is here now, and I feel His gentle strong hand
Pulling me close to His bosom, here I shall always make my stand

He gives me beauty for ashes, when I am hurting and full of fear,
I look up and take His hand, and again my rainbow does appear

He gives me the oil of joy when I am in mourning, a garment of praise
For when my spirit is heavy, and once again my Rainbow he will raise

He is my refuge, my strength, my power when I am troubled
When it is more than I can take, my Rainbow is doubled

I look up and see my rainbow, and will not fear, even if the earth He should dismiss
And the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea,
His Rainbow shall always no doubt appear, for He has sealed His love with a Holy Kiss.

Jerry Lee Kay Sr.

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State: Texas
Country: United States
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