God Ain't No Tow Truck Driver

Writer Author  Tim Johnson
Christian Article : God's Love  - Fiction  No

Christian Author Writer God ain’t no tow truck driver, just to be called on only when and if you break down.

But He will be, because He loves you.

Neither is He some motel desk clerk to be called upon only when you are weary and rung out for the night.

But He will be, because He loves you.

God wants to be there, if we let Him, at the start of the trip, to make certain everything is tied down and secure, and that all the preparations for the trip have been made.

For the journey is a long one and with no promise of always smooth roads.

If God is there from the first, then the tow truck driver becomes an ever present constant and compassionate companion.

The motel desk clerk becomes a host welcoming you with open arms into His own home, not just for one night, but to stay for all eternity.

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Country: United States
Email: harper5and10@msn.com
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