Lord, You Gave Me A Small Mountian Cabin

Writer Author  Tim Johnson
Christian Poetry : Inspirational  - Fiction  No

Christian Author Writer

Lord, you gave me a small mountain cabin, right by the trailhead and a cool rushing stream,

where I can contemplate all of your wonder, a place where I can just sit and dream;

dream and, faith, be forming such visions, of where you will take me from this place I call home,

surrendering my soul , affirming my goal, that goal ever being of thy Kingdom come.

And I know such a goal will often remove me, far and away from this mountain retreat,

to the world to proclaim, declaring your name, showing Grace as the answer to worldly defeat.

But I also know it will still be here waiting, no matter the distance in your service I roam,

and that’s just affirmation that sweet celebration awaits eternal in a Heavenly home.

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State: South Carolina
Country: United States
Email: harper5and10@msn.com
Profile:  Click here!

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