The Battle With the Soul

Writer Author  Sylvia Huffnagle
Christian Article : Temptation  - Fiction  No

Christian Author Writer A person can choose to receive and be ruled by Christ’s Spirit and know that their spirit has been made alive and yet be sorely tempted to listen to the deceptions of the devil. The reason for this is that their mind, body, and emotions have not yet been fully trained in God’s ways. The soul (mind, will, emotions) has been trained from the time the person was born to act and react according to their five physical senses and all of a sudden the soul and emotions are told to ignore what their five physical senses have taught them and listen to their spirit.

They have always acted and reacted according to their own happiness. If their happiness was threatened, they took action according to their selfish nature. When they thought they were losing something they liked or were being deprived of something or made to do something they didn’t like they put up a fuss and got their own way many times. Experience taught them that they could get what they wanted by acting ugly. People are well trained to grab, force, resist, threaten, and hurt the enemy.

But God’s way is to love your enemies, pray for those who despitefully use you and behave long-suffering, unselfishly, charitably, self controlled. God’s way is to do good, resist evil. To live God’s way requires faith--faith that God’s ways are the true winning ways. When faith is applied the carnal nature can be over-ruled. But it can be an uphill battle for a while, until the soul gets used to the spirit being in charge.

God’s way is not always to deny yourself and take up your cross. That is God’s way to love, help, and serve others. It is a temporary measure. God’s eternal way is to deliver us from the selfish, carnal nature so that we can love our neighbor as our self.

Many think that God’s way is to not care about yourself, but really it is to care about your neighbor just as much as you care about yourself. When God sets up His kingdom on the earth--when things are done here as they are in heaven, people will occupied with receiving blessings so that they can bless rather than being occupied with getting in order to have. They will be focused on giving instead of getting. But at the same time, know that when God’s kingdom comes each person will not have to be concerned with getting or having, because all their neighbors will be focused on giving and blessing them. They will be focused on giving and blessing their neighbor. Everyone produces and gives. Everyone receives a full measure. Talk about a utopia.

Utopia cannot be forced on people as the communists and socialist want to do. It can only come by people being controlled by the Spirit of God instead of by a selfish carnal (meat)--earth) nature. Jesus is the Way.

Sylvia Huffnagle

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