Let Me

Writer Author  Patricia Diane Buie
Christian Poetry : Encouragement  - Fiction  No

Christian Author Writer

God, I need to know you more
in this desperate hour.
My life is changing and
I need a strong tower.

I have unpaid bills
And truck repairs, too.
There an awful lot of things
In my life still to do.

I feel helpless and powerless
To fulfill it all, I say.
I need someone in life to forever stay.

I want to get married
And share this great load.
But, to find someone quick is not easy
And I just cannot kiss a toad! ?

So, what’s the answer to my heart’s cry?
What’s the answer to all that I need?
God hears my sighs and
He gently replies,

“Marry me and be My Bride!
Let me be the groom that gushes
at you with loving pride!”

“Let me kiss your face with
touches so soft
and hear my voice that
speaks to you oft!”

“Let me love and care for your every
want, whim, and need.
Let me love you, dear.
Look, I died for you on this tree.”

“I can see every laugh and tear you cry.
Let me love you
Your every desire I will satisfy.”

With words such as these, how can I resist?
My worries and woes just need to desist!

So, with hope and a laugh
I will simply agree!
Yes, Lord, Your beautiful bride
I will be!”

Editor's Comment:

About the Writer Author
State: South Carolina
Country: United States
Email: buierocks2002@yahoo.com
Profile:  Click here!

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